Virginia audio collective LEADERSHIP


Mary Garner Mcgehee

Managing Producer

Mary Garner McGehee has spent 1,833 hours (and counting!) of her life listening to podcasts. She has produced Inside UVA, Admissible, Hoos in STEM, Charlottesville Soundboard and a slew of other University-affiliated podcasts. She coordinates with student podcast producers and aspiring podcast producers.

Lewis Reining

Producer and Education Director

Lewis is a producer and tech & education corodinator for WTJU and co-founder of the Virginia Audio Collective. Lewis contributes to several productions and was the lead tech producer on an audio drama, “The Perfectly Circular Rock,” made in collaboration with the UVA Drama department. In addition to his numerous production projects, Lewis runs WTJU summer camps, manages the technological infrastructure and oversees WTJU’s educational programming.

Nathan Moore

Executive Producer

Nathan Moore builds platforms for other people to use -- mostly media platforms, sometimes literal platforms. He is the general manager at WTJU 91.1 FM and staff advisor for UVA's student-run station WXTJ 100.1 FM. He is a co-founder of the Virginia Audio Collective. He also hosts & produces Bold Dominion and This Week in Virginia History.